Established in 1999, Dermatology for Animals (DFA) provides a wide range of services, including:

  • Allergen-specific immunotherapy for atopic skin disease and feline asthma

  • Treatment of immune-mediated and neoplastic skin conditions

  • Diagnosis and treatment of ear disease (external and middle ear)


Consultations can be made at Queensland Veterinary Specialists on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and some Fridays, and in the greater Brisbane area on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Appoinments available at QVS North Lakes hospital on Saturday.

Dermatology For Animals has an association with Pet Emergency, enabling us to consult on emergency cases outside of these times.

Dermatology hotline

You can call us direct on 1300 275 468. We endeavour to be accessible to both our clients and referring veterinarians. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about difficult cases.

Client requirements

We ask that our Dermatology clients not bathe their animal for at least three days prior to consultation. For intradermal allergen testing to be performed on the same day as consultation, the following drug withdrawal times must be observed:

  • Injectable corticosteroids (short and long acting) — six to eight weeks

  • Oral cortisone — four weeks

  • Antihistamines and topical cortisone (including ear medications) — two weeks

If these times cannot be observed, we can still have a consultation with our clients and discuss their options.

Histopathology reading service

Dermatohistopathology is a challenging field. We provide a histopathology reading service(excluding processing charged by your pathology lab). For more information visit the Dermatology for Animals website.

Dermatology services are provided by Dermatology for Animals Pty Ltd, ABN 26 923 234 939.

Dermatology Team

Typical referrals

Allergic reactions/conditions
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergic skin conditions in cats and dogs. While symptomatic therapy is a management option, allergen-specific immunotherapy is the preferred alternative. It is a cost-effective and safe therapy, and provides good control of the disease in approximately 70% of cases.

Other frequently encountered skin conditions we see on a daily basis include:

  • flea allergy dermatitis

  • food hypersensitivity

  • military dermatitis

  • eosinophilic granuloma complex

Bacterial, fungal and parasitic skin disease

These conditions may be a primary disease, but can also be seen as complications of underlying disease states, particularly allergies or endocrinopathies. Once any underlying cause has been identified, we generally have the referring practice manage the ongoing therapy and monitoring if possible.

Neoplastic skin conditions

Some skin tumours, such as SCC, can be treated using cryotherapy or medical therapy. Others, such as epitheliotrophic lymphoma, can be treated with chemotherapy. These procedures are commonly performed by Dermatology staff. Should lesions become more extensive or require surgical intervention, we will also consult QVS Surgery.

Otitis externa and media

Otitis externa is a common manifestation of allergic skin disease, but may also be associated with middle ear infections or tumours of the ear canal. Using video otoscopy, we can perform ear flushes (visualising the distal canal in real time), endoscopic-guided myringotomy, and middle ear flushes. Diagnostic imaging (radiography/MRI) may also be also used to establish an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan.

Primary secretory otitis media

PSOM is a recently recognised disease that affects Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Patients present for deafness, vestibular disease, head and neck pain and neurological deficits. They have a characteristic bulging of the tympanic membrane into the distal aspect of the horizontal ear canal.

Treatment for this condition is the surgical placement of grommets (ventilation tubes) in the ear drum to allow equalisation of pressure and drainage of the sterile mucous-like fluid into the nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube.

Dermatology For Animals is the only private practice in Australia performing this procedure—results thus far have been excellent.

Urticarial and anaphylactic reactions

Severe anaphylactic reactions due to bee and wasp stings are rare, but potentially fatal to pets. We provide skin testing and desensitisation to bee and wasp venom, dramatically reducing the risk of anaphylactic–type reactions. This treatment is appropriate for animals that have had multiple, life-threatening anaphylactic reactions from suspected insect bites.